Animation | argos_lib::led::animation::Pong (unsigned offset, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned ballSize, bool rainbow, frc::AddressableLED::LEDData ballColor, frc::AddressableLED::LEDData backgroundColor, units::millisecond_t frameTime, argos_lib::led::PanelScanParams scanParams) |
| Animation that kind of works like a DVD player screensaver (https://youtu.be/QOtuX0jL85Y). A ball bounces around the panel changing color.
AnimatedSprite | argos_lib::led::animation::ChompingPacMan (float radius, frc::AddressableLED::LEDData color, units::degree_t direction, units::millisecond_t chompPeriod, bool feathered=false) |
AnimatedSprite | argos_lib::led::animation::DyingPacMan (float radius, frc::AddressableLED::LEDData color, units::degree_t direction, units::degree_t initialMouthAngle, units::millisecond_t animationTime, bool feathered=false) |
Animation | argos_lib::led::animation::PacManPacing (unsigned offset, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool rainbow, frc::AddressableLED::LEDData pacManColor, argos_lib::led::PrimaryScanDirection paceDirection, units::millisecond_t chompPeriod, units::millisecond_t moveSpeed, argos_lib::led::PanelScanParams scanParams, bool feathered=false) |
void | argos_lib::led::animation::DrawRectangle (Panel &dest, unsigned rectWidth, unsigned rectHeight, float x, float y, frc::AddressableLED::LEDData color) |
| Draws an axis-aligned rectangle to a panel. All pixels outside the rectangle are unmodified.
void | argos_lib::led::animation::DrawCircle (Panel &dest, float radius, float x, float y, frc::AddressableLED::LEDData color, bool feathered=false) |
| Draw a circle to the panel.
Sprite | argos_lib::led::animation::DrawCircleSprite (float radius, frc::AddressableLED::LEDData color, bool feathered=false) |
| Generate a sprite containing a circle with transparent background.
void | argos_lib::led::animation::RenderSprite (Panel &dest, const Sprite &sprite, float x, float y, float alpha=1.0) |
| Draw a sprite centered at a point to a panel. This will align the sprite to the nearest pixel alignment on the panel.
Sprite | argos_lib::led::animation::DrawPacMan (float radius, frc::AddressableLED::LEDData color, units::degree_t direction, units::degree_t mouthAngle, bool feathered=false) |
| Generate PacMan sprite :D.