Subsystem for controlling the swerve drivetrain of the robot.
#include <swerve_drive_subsystem.h>
struct | Velocities |
| A struct for holding the 3 different input velocities, for organization. More...
| SwerveDriveSubsystem (std::shared_ptr< NetworkTablesWrapper > networkTable, const argos_lib::RobotInstance instance) |
void | Disable () |
| Handle the robot disabling. More...
void | SwerveDrive (const double &fwVelocity, const double &sideVelocity, const double &rotVelocity) |
| Main drive function for the robot. More...
void | StopDrive () |
| Stop all motors. More...
void | Home (const units::degree_t &angle) |
| Save homes to persistent storage and updates module motors. More...
void | FieldHome (units::degree_t homeAngle=0_deg, bool updateOdometry=true) |
| Tell the robot it's in it's correct field-oriented "Front". More...
void | InitializeOdometry (const frc::Pose2d ¤tPose) |
| Set current robot position. Useful for initializing initial position before autonomous. More...
frc::Rotation2d | GetContinuousOdometryAngle () |
frc::Pose2d | GetContinuousOdometry () |
frc::Pose2d | UpdateOdometry () |
| Reads module states & gyro, updates odometry, and returns latest pose estimate. More...
units::degree_t | GetFieldCentricAngle () const |
| Get the field-centric angle of the robot based on gyro and saved reference orientation. More...
frc::Pose2d | GetPoseEstimate () |
| Get the latest pose estimate. More...
void | SetControlMode (SwerveDriveSubsystem::DriveControlMode controlMode) |
void | InitializeMotors () |
| Initialize motors from persistent storage. More...
void | UpdateFollowerLinearPIDParams (double kP, double kI, double kD) |
| Change PID parameters for linear follower. These adjust velocities based on distance error from path goal. More...
void | UpdateFollowerRotationalPIDParams (double kP, double kI, double kD) |
| Change PID parameters for rotational follower. These adjust velocities based on angle error from path goal. More...
void | UpdateFollowerRotationalPIDConstraints (frc::TrapezoidProfile< units::degrees >::Constraints constraints) |
| Update constraints to rotate robot along profiled path. More...
void | StartDrivingProfile (SwerveTrapezoidalProfileSegment newProfile) |
| Start driving a new profile. This also resets the finished flag. More...
void | CancelDrivingProfile () |
| Cancel the current driving profile without marking it complete. More...
bool | ProfileIsComplete () const |
| Check if a driving profile path has been completed. More...
frc::ChassisSpeeds | GetChassisVelocity () |
| Get the robot velocity in chassis frame (x toward intake, y toward left) based on GetCurrentModuleStates() output. More...
Subsystem for controlling the swerve drivetrain of the robot.
◆ DriveControlMode
Enumerator for either field-centric or robot centric drive modes.
Enumerator |
fieldCentricControl | |
robotCentricControl | |
◆ SwerveDriveSubsystem()
◆ CancelDrivingProfile()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::CancelDrivingProfile |
( |
| ) |
Cancel the current driving profile without marking it complete.
◆ Disable()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::Disable |
( |
| ) |
Handle the robot disabling.
◆ FieldHome()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::FieldHome |
( |
units::degree_t |
homeAngle = 0_deg , |
bool |
updateOdometry = true |
) |
| |
Tell the robot it's in it's correct field-oriented "Front".
- Parameters
homeAngle | Current orientation of the robot |
updateOdometry | Also update odometry field-centric angle |
◆ GetChassisVelocity()
frc::ChassisSpeeds SwerveDriveSubsystem::GetChassisVelocity |
( |
| ) |
Get the robot velocity in chassis frame (x toward intake, y toward left) based on GetCurrentModuleStates() output.
- Returns
- frc::ChassisSpeeds Velocity based on module states
◆ GetContinuousOdometry()
frc::Pose2d SwerveDriveSubsystem::GetContinuousOdometry |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetContinuousOdometryAngle()
frc::Rotation2d SwerveDriveSubsystem::GetContinuousOdometryAngle |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetCurrentModuleStates()
wpi::array< frc::SwerveModuleState, 4 > SwerveDriveSubsystem::GetCurrentModuleStates |
( |
| ) |
private |
Get the active states of all swerve modules.
- Returns
- Active module states
◆ GetFieldCentricAngle()
units::degree_t SwerveDriveSubsystem::GetFieldCentricAngle |
( |
| ) |
const |
Get the field-centric angle of the robot based on gyro and saved reference orientation.
- Returns
- Field-centric angle of the robot where 0 degrees is intake oriented toward opposing alliance operator station positive CCW.
◆ GetIMUYaw()
units::degree_t SwerveDriveSubsystem::GetIMUYaw |
( |
| ) |
const |
private |
◆ GetPoseEstimate()
frc::Pose2d SwerveDriveSubsystem::GetPoseEstimate |
( |
| ) |
Get the latest pose estimate.
- Returns
- Latest pose
◆ GetRawModuleStates()
Get the Raw Module States object and switch between robot-centric and field-centric.
- Parameters
velocities | Desired velocity |
- Returns
- wpi::array<frc::SwerveModuleState, 4>
◆ Home()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::Home |
( |
const units::degree_t & |
angle | ) |
Save homes to persistent storage and updates module motors.
- Parameters
angle | Current angle of all the swerve modules. They should all be oriented the same during homing. |
◆ HomeToFS()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::HomeToFS |
( |
const units::degree_t & |
angle | ) |
private |
Save homes to a file.
- Parameters
angle | Current angle of all the swerve modules. They should all be oriented the same during homing. |
◆ InitializeMotors()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::InitializeMotors |
( |
| ) |
Initialize motors from persistent storage.
◆ InitializeMotorsFromFS()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::InitializeMotorsFromFS |
( |
| ) |
private |
Initialize motors from saved file.
◆ InitializeOdometry()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::InitializeOdometry |
( |
const frc::Pose2d & |
currentPose | ) |
Set current robot position. Useful for initializing initial position before autonomous.
- Parameters
currentPose | Field-centric pose of the robot |
◆ ProfileIsComplete()
bool SwerveDriveSubsystem::ProfileIsComplete |
( |
| ) |
const |
Check if a driving profile path has been completed.
- Returns
- true when a path is completed and not canceled
◆ ResetIMUYaw()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::ResetIMUYaw |
( |
| ) |
private |
◆ SetControlMode()
◆ StartDrivingProfile()
Start driving a new profile. This also resets the finished flag.
- Parameters
newProfile | Profile to follow with t=0 being the time this function is called |
◆ StopDrive()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::StopDrive |
( |
| ) |
◆ SwerveDrive()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::SwerveDrive |
( |
const double & |
fwVelocity, |
const double & |
sideVelocity, |
const double & |
rotVelocity |
) |
| |
Main drive function for the robot.
- Parameters
fwVelocity | Percent speed forward. Range [-1.0, 1.0] where positive 1.0 is full speed forward |
sideVelocity | Percent speed perpendicular to the robots front. Range [-1.0, 1.0] where positive 1.0 is full speed left |
rotVelocity | Percent speed of rotation of the chassis. Range [-1.0, 1.0] where positive 1.0 is full speed counterclockwise |
◆ UpdateFollowerLinearPIDParams()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::UpdateFollowerLinearPIDParams |
( |
double |
kP, |
double |
kI, |
double |
kD |
) |
| |
Change PID parameters for linear follower. These adjust velocities based on distance error from path goal.
- Parameters
kP | Proportional gain |
kI | Integral gain |
kD | Derivative gain |
◆ UpdateFollowerRotationalPIDConstraints()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::UpdateFollowerRotationalPIDConstraints |
( |
frc::TrapezoidProfile< units::degrees >::Constraints |
constraints | ) |
Update constraints to rotate robot along profiled path.
- Parameters
constraints | Rotational velocity and acceleration constraints |
◆ UpdateFollowerRotationalPIDParams()
void SwerveDriveSubsystem::UpdateFollowerRotationalPIDParams |
( |
double |
kP, |
double |
kI, |
double |
kD |
) |
| |
Change PID parameters for rotational follower. These adjust velocities based on angle error from path goal.
- Parameters
kP | Proportional gain |
kI | Integral gain |
kD | Derivative gain |
◆ UpdateOdometry()
frc::Pose2d SwerveDriveSubsystem::UpdateOdometry |
( |
| ) |
Reads module states & gyro, updates odometry, and returns latest pose estimate.
- Returns
- Estimate of robot pose
◆ m_backLeft
◆ m_backRight
Back right swerve module.
◆ m_continuousOdometryOffset
units::degree_t SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_continuousOdometryOffset |
private |
Offset to convert [-180,180] odometry angle to continuous angle.
◆ m_controlMode
◆ m_driveMotorPIDTuner
Utility to tune drive motors.
◆ m_fieldHomeOffset
units::degree_t SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_fieldHomeOffset |
private |
Offset from IMU angle to 0 field angle (intake away from driver station)
◆ m_followerController
frc::HolonomicDriveController SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_followerController |
private |
Controller to follow drive profile.
◆ m_followingProfile
bool SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_followingProfile |
private |
True when an incomplete drive profile is being run.
◆ m_frontLeft
Front left swerve module.
◆ m_frontRight
Front right swerve module.
◆ m_fsStorage
Roborio filesystem access for homes.
◆ m_imu
frc::ADIS16448_IMU SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_imu |
private |
◆ m_instance
◆ m_linearPID
frc2::PIDController SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_linearPID |
private |
Correction parameters for x/y error when following drive profile.
◆ m_odometry
frc::SwerveDriveOdometry<4> SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_odometry |
private |
◆ m_pActiveSwerveProfile
◆ m_pigeonIMU
Pigeon2 SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_pigeonIMU |
private |
◆ m_pNetworkTable
Instance of network table class.
◆ m_prevOdometryAngle
units::degree_t SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_prevOdometryAngle |
private |
Last odometry angle used for continuous calculations.
◆ m_profileComplete
bool SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_profileComplete |
private |
True once a drive profile has been completed.
◆ m_rotationalPID
frc::ProfiledPIDController<units::radians> SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_rotationalPID |
private |
Correction parameters for rotational error when following drive profile.
◆ m_swerveDriveKinematics
frc::SwerveDriveKinematics<4> SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_swerveDriveKinematics |
private |
Kinematics model for swerve drive system.
◆ m_swerveProfileStartTime
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> SwerveDriveSubsystem::m_swerveProfileStartTime |
private |
Time when active profile began.
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