Robot code for 2023 FRC season by Argos, FRC team #1756
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vibration.h File Reference
#include <units/time.h>
#include <functional>

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struct  argos_lib::VibrationStatus
 Vibration percentages that can be sent to controller for user feedback. More...


namespace  argos_lib


using argos_lib::VibrationModel = std::function< VibrationStatus()>


VibrationModel argos_lib::VibrationOff ()
 Turn off vibration.
VibrationModel argos_lib::VibrationConstant (double intensity)
 Set vibration to a constant value where left and right are the same intensity.
VibrationModel argos_lib::VibrationConstant (double intensityLeft, double intensityRight)
 Set vibration to a constant value where left and right have discrete intensities.
VibrationModel argos_lib::VibrationSyncPulse (units::millisecond_t pulsePeriod, double intensityOn, double intensityOff=0.0)
 Toggle vibration between intensityOn and intensityOff levels. Left and right have the same vibration intensity.
VibrationModel argos_lib::VibrationSyncWave (units::millisecond_t pulsePeriod, double intensityOn, double intensityOff=0.0)
 Smoothly transition vibration between intensityOn and intensityOff levels. Left and right have the same vibration intensity.
VibrationModel argos_lib::VibrationAlternatePulse (units::millisecond_t pulsePeriod, double intensityOn, double intensityOff=0.0)
 Toggle vibration between intensityOn and intensityOff levels. Left output is in intensityOn phase while right output is in intensityOff phase and vice-versa.
VibrationModel argos_lib::VibrationAlternateWave (units::millisecond_t pulsePeriod, double intensityOn, double intensityOff=0.0)
 Smoothly transition vibration between intensityOn and intensityOff levels. Left output is in intensityOn phase while right output is in intensityOff phase and vice-versa.
VibrationModel argos_lib::TemporaryVibrationPattern (VibrationModel temporaryModel, units::millisecond_t temporaryModelDuration, VibrationModel lastingModel=VibrationOff())
 Run a vibration model for a specified duration, then run another model in perpetuity thereafter.