Robot code for 2023 FRC season by Argos, FRC team #1756
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panel.h File Reference
#include <frc/AddressableLED.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

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class  argos_lib::led::Array2D< T >
 Array2D representation where origin is at bottom left. More...
struct  argos_lib::led::PanelScanParams


namespace  argos_lib
namespace  argos_lib::led


using argos_lib::led::Panel = Array2D< frc::AddressableLED::LEDData >
 Pixels in a panel.
using argos_lib::led::Mask = Array2D< float >
using argos_lib::led::Strip = std::vector< frc::AddressableLED::LEDData >
 A strip of LEDs.


enum class  argos_lib::led::PrimaryScanDirection { argos_lib::led::Vertical , argos_lib::led::Horizontal }
 When representing a panel as a strip, sequential addresses are in this direction. Note that the actual scan direction will alternate on every row/column in the secondary scan direction. For example, if the primary scan direction is vertical, adjacent columns will alternate between up and down. More...
enum class  argos_lib::led::FirstPixelPosition { argos_lib::led::TopRight , argos_lib::led::TopLeft , argos_lib::led::BottomLeft , argos_lib::led::BottomRight }
 When representing a panel as a strip, which pixel is the first address. More...


Strip argos_lib::led::Serialize (const Panel &panel, const PanelScanParams &params)
 Convert a panel to a 1D vector of pixels in addressing order. This is a helper function because many panel animations are easier to design in 2D space then convert back to address order when it comes time to display.